Storage Plugin

To save and retrieve BLOB data into IPFS, we interface with it via a storage plugin.

We have to see if we can interact with IPFS' leveldb directly via the wiki-storage-leveldb plugin. Else the file system approach may be sufficient, yet complicated in a Docker container. See this discussion regarding IPFS and CORS . FUSE is not working within a Docker.

Priviledged mode or btrfs may be of help here.


When we are thinking about data in the federation we are talking about people curating there own data sets by embedding Live Data or Static Data as JSON Data Objects into one of their Federated Wiki Pages.

The aim is to have Fedwiki running as a pure Javascript application (no custom server required) and served by IPFS to allow a fully decentralised platform.

Here are early some explorations on how to provide better login experience for wiki farms, and for users developing mobile apps. The aim is to provide backward compatibility with Persona, while moving over to a better security model.

We url-encode images dropped on the factory plugin. This captures the sharing dynamics expected of the federation but it doesn't match with current asset practices.
