The Audio Plugin embeds a HTML5 audio player on a wiki page.
See GitHub for plugin source.
The most important operating system developers write software for is not Windows or OSX or Linux or Android. It's Homo sapiens 1.0. We make software for people first. Very wise words from a very wise soul, Bill Hill. channel9 blog
Content will not start downloading until the play button is pressed. But, stopping, or pausing, the playback will not stop the download. This will only happen when the player is unloaded, and the wiki page removed from the lineup.
# Factory
We currently don't support drag and dropping a mp3 to a factory. We expect a link to an audio file, hosted elsewhere on the internet, to be the first line - with the rest being used to create a caption.
# Specifying playback range
If you want to specify a particular portion of an audio file to be played, a time range can be specified by using the syntax:
The time can be specified as a number of seconds or as an hours:minutes:seconds time (such as 2:05:01 for 2 hours, 5 minutes, and 1 second).
A few examples:
To play an excerpt from 10 seconds through to 20 seconds:,20
To play an excerpt from the start through to 10.5 seconds:,10.5
To play the first 10 minutes:,0:10:00
To start playing at 1 minute and play to the end: