Welcome to this Federated Wiki site. From this page you can find who we are and what we do. New sites provide this information and then claim the site as their own. You will need your own site to participate.
Pages about us.
Process dao.space cccamp.federated.wiki Implementation cluster.dao.space node.dao.space contracts.dao.space
Pages where we do and share.
The Chaos Communication Camp is an international meeting of hackers that takes place every four years, organized by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC).
A dao-space is s space for a decentralised event. We imagine it as a tent, or temple where we create a suitable atosphere to re-imagine social organisation in new decentralised ways.
Some things we may want to keep in mind:
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The code that runs the island is Future Law, which is part computer code, part what we now call law, and part process.
Our aim is to progress with a Decentralised Radio Station based on Mumble. This is not simply about the technology but also the social, and financial organisation of the station using a DAO and IPFS to store Decentralised Assets.