~ *Write as you go documentation of setting up a Raspberry Pi farm.* ~

1. Assemble the Pi 2 rig.

2. Insofar, trust Hypriot and use their appropriate downloads .

Naming of the machines, top to bottom


Of course no exploration comes without drawbacks. In our research we found out about Docker Swarm's Discovery Backends , which unfortunately defaults to a hosted web service.

Earlier on we already discovered a Hypriot version of Consul , but not much documentation to it.

Scott Lowe also wrote about running a small Docker Swarm cluster with the help of Consul.

But how do these scenarios apply within our Raspberry Pi environment?

a self-contained Cloud-in-a-Box

Fortunately someone else already explored these directions for us. We just have to infer the knowledge from all different sources.

Swarming Raspberry Pi - Part 2 Registry Mirror + GitHub repositories for RPI Consul, Registrator and Swarm

Swarming Raspberry Pi Docker Swarm discovery options

Swarming Raspberry Pi private registries for Swarm images


A basic Docker cluster is set up via a couple of Raspberry Pis. A Private Registry + Mirror is advisable for local deployments.